Calculate lease statistical averages for your search set

Calculate the lease statistical averages with your search results without spending credits

You can get a real-time snapshot of any market or submarket without spending any credits. The averages calculation is based on the straight-line method and includes the average Net Effective Rent*, Starting Rent, Lease Term, Free Rent, TI, Transaction Size, and the median Starting Rent for any set of comps, regardless of whether you already unlocked them.

To get statistical averages:

  1. Refine your search to your desired comp set using the relevant filters.
  2. Averages for the selected comp set will show at the top of the table by default.
  3. If you want to view averages for a subset of comps within the bigger set, place check marks next to the comps you want to include.
  4. The new averages will now show.

*To calculate NER, in most markets, we take the total rent over the lease term (including any escalations or rent bumps) and subtract any concessions (TIs, Free Rent, etc.) and then divide it by the total lease term.  However, in some markets, the calculation is different based on what is customary in the region. For specific questions about NER calculation in your market, please email